Job Market place Construmat
Are you looking for talent for your company?
Participate in the Job Market Place of Construmat
If you want to meet professionals in the construction sector to incorporate them into your organization and you have vacancies in Barcelona and Metropolitan Area, we invite you to participate in the Job Market Place that Barcelona Activa organizes in collaboration with Construmat. We are waiting for you on May 22nd in this recruitment and networking space where you will find professionals pre-selected by Barcelona Activa – suitable for your needs.

We connect with top professionals in the industry
Barcelona Activa will publish the professional profiles that you are interested in knowing and will
pre-select the resumes that fit your needs.
The interviews will take place on the same day of the event at the Job Market Place. You can contact us to send us the demand of the profiles you are interested in before April 22nd through the following link: Talent Management, indicating that your company wants to participatevin the Construmat Job Market Place.
If you have any questions, you can contact us through the following email: