
Xavier Ruscalleda

Architect | RGA arquitectes Terrassa, Spain
Xavier Ruscalleda


RGA is based in an old industrial space located in the centre of Terrassa (Barcelona), a place of work and promotion of the meeting of different disciplines. RGA Arquitectes pursues recycling, material and energy austerity to protect our natural environment and build energy-self-sufficient spaces. RGA specialises in efficient and sustainable construction. It has won awards in two consecutive editions by the Gremi de la Fusta (Wood Guild), with t


Round table | Sustainable Building Congress

Building methods. Timber construction

Inés De Rivera Marinel·lo
Inés De Rivera Marinel·lo COAC Moderador/Presentador
Anna Bastús Guinovart
Anna Bastús Guinovart AB Arquitectes Architect Speaker
David Tapias Monné
David Tapias Monné GATPA Director Speaker
Xavier Ruscalleda
Xavier Ruscalleda RGA arquitectes Architect Speaker

#edificación, #equipamientos, #madera, #materiales

23-05-2024 13:20 23-05-2024 14:20 Europe/Madrid Building methods. Timber construction

The discussion will focus on the use of wood as the primary structural element in public facilities. The use of wood in construction presents new structural, programmatic and regulatory constraints, but at the same time offers formal and comfort values that bring them closer to the user.

Thu 23 13:20h - 14:20h Auditorium