
Sonia Hdez-Montaño Bou

BioArchitect | Arquitectura Sana Barcelona, Spain
Sonia Hdez-Montaño Bou


Bioarchitecture consultant architect. Author of healthy architecture guides such as the "Technical Guide to Biohabitability" by Incasòl, "Rehabilitation and reforms with health criteria" by the CPUBCN and "healthy interior spaces" by the COAC. Director of the postgraduate course in Healthy Architecture and Bioconstruction (Sert) and tutor of the master's degree in Baubiologie IEB. Member of the Board of AUS and ASA.


Conference 30' | Sustainable Building Congress

Healthy architecture driving decarbonisation

Sonia Hdez-Montaño Bou
Sonia Hdez-Montaño Bou Arquitectura Sana BioArchitect Speaker

#arquitectura, #rehabilitación, #salud

23-05-2024 10:00 23-05-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid Healthy architecture driving decarbonisation

The need to decarbonise construction stems largely from its enormous impact on biodiversity. This process requires a variety of indicators to be considered, including the impact on human health. For these challenges to be addressed effectively, an understanding of the factors influencing health is essential, and for all stakeholders (technical, management and industry) to recognise and address these strategies in a collaborative and multidisciplinary manner. Inspirational and genuine benchmarks already exist: come and meet them.

Thu 23 10:00h - 10:30h Auditorium
Round Table 50' | Sustainable Building Congress

Building renovation case studies that include health criteria

Sonia Hdez-Montaño Bou
Sonia Hdez-Montaño Bou Arquitectura Sana BioArchitect Moderador/Presentador
Marta Bordas Eddy
Marta Bordas Eddy SomHabitat PhD in Architecture, Specialist in Accessibility Speaker
Ramon Muñoz Jordán
Ramon Muñoz Jordán ramonmunozarq Architect, expert in residential rehabilitation and renovation Speaker
Patricia Tamayo Perez
Patricia Tamayo Perez Patricia Tamayo Arquitectura Doctora arquitecta, redactora del proyecto para el Museo MUHBA Fabra & Coats. Speaker

#arquitectura, #rehabilitación, #salud

23-05-2024 10:30 23-05-2024 11:20 Europe/Madrid Building renovation case studies that include health criteria

We will look at specific examples of building renovation projects using innovative design approaches to improve people's health from various angles. Whether it is accessibility, indoor air quality, health and energy efficiency through bioclimatic and passive approaches, we will analyse how these strategies can transform built spaces into healthier and more sustainable environments.

Thu 23 10:30h - 11:20h Auditorium