
Antonio Sánchez Gea

SOCOTEC Madrid, Spain
Antonio Sánchez Gea


Conference 30' | Sustainable Building Congress

Industrialised construction for the development of large-scale affordable housing: The VIVE Plan

Antonio Sánchez Gea
Antonio Sánchez Gea SOCOTEC Moderador/Presentador
Juan Manuel Borrás González
Juan Manuel Borrás González Culmia Director of Operations Speaker
José Ignacio Esteban Gil
José Ignacio Esteban Gil ávita / Grupo Avintia Director General Speaker

21-05-2024 12:00 21-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Industrialised construction for the development of large-scale affordable housing: The VIVE Plan

The Vive Plan of the Community of Madrid advocates innovation in construction by means of the implementation of industrialisation techniques as a key element in all its projects. This kind of construction can shorten execution times by 30%, thus substantially improving its carbon footprint and accelerating the construction of new homes. The development of Lot 3, made up of 1,763 homes, and the single Lot of Vive Plan II with a total of 1,137 homes will be displayed as examples of public housing intended for rental in the Community of Madrid which are designed and built using these industrialised techniques.

Tue 21 12:00h - 12:30h Auditorium