
Side Events

Tue 21
Workshop | Side Events

Governing Board of APCEspaña

21-05-2024 10:30 21-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Governing Board of APCEspaña

Regular meeting of the members of the Board of the Association of Construction Developers of Spain Admission by invitation only

10:30h - 14:00h CC1.2
Workshop | Side Events

Meeting of the European Federation of Façade and Window Manufacturers’ Associations (FAECF)

21-05-2024 15:00 21-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Meeting of the European Federation of Façade and Window Manufacturers’ Associations (FAECF)

Face-to-face meeting of representatives of national associations from the United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Italy, Austria and Spain Access by invitation only

15:00h - 18:00h CC1.3
Workshop | Side Events

Del certificado energético al pasaporte de rehabilitación: instrumentos de la nueva EPBD para activar la rehabilitación.

21-05-2024 15:00 21-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Del certificado energético al pasaporte de rehabilitación: instrumentos de la nueva EPBD para activar la rehabilitación. Sala de Prensa
15:00h - 18:00h Sala de Prensa
Wed 22
Workshop | Side Events

Builder’s Guild Board Meeting

22-05-2024 09:00 22-05-2024 10:00 Europe/Madrid Builder’s Guild Board Meeting

Federation of Construction Companies of Barcelona 9:30 a.m. Board of Management 11:30 a.m. General Assembly of the Catalan Confederation of Construction 12:00 p.m. Board of Directors *Access by invitation only.  

09:00h - 10:00h CC1.3
Workshop | Side Events

Meeting of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of ASEFAV

22-05-2024 09:00 22-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Meeting of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of ASEFAV

Meeting of the board of management Admission by invitation only  

09:00h - 14:00h CC1.1
Workshop | Side Events

General Assembly of the CCOC

22-05-2024 10:00 22-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid General Assembly of the CCOC

The General Assembly of the Chamber of Works Contractors of Catalonia (CCOC), which will take place on 22 May, is an annual meeting in which the results of the previous year are reviewed and key decisions are made on policies, strategies and budgets for the following year. Admission by invitation.

10:00h - 13:00h CC1.2
Workshop | Side Events

Junta Directiva – Confederació Catalana De La Construcció

22-05-2024 11:30 22-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Junta Directiva – Confederació Catalana De La Construcció CC1.3
11:30h - 13:00h CC1.3
Workshop | Side Events

Assemblea General – Confederació Catalana De La Construcció

22-05-2024 13:00 22-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Assemblea General – Confederació Catalana De La Construcció CC1.3
13:00h - 14:00h CC1.3
Workshop | Side Events

ASEFAVE General Assembly Meeting

22-05-2024 15:00 22-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid ASEFAVE General Assembly Meeting

General Assembly: Admission by invitation only

15:00h - 18:00h CC1.1
Thu 23
Workshop | Side Events

The Plenary Session of the Superior Council of the Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE)

23-05-2024 09:00 23-05-2024 16:00 Europe/Madrid The Plenary Session of the Superior Council of the Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE)

The Plenary Session of the Higher Council of the Associations of Architects of Spain (CSCAE) is the monthly meeting in which the councillors, representatives of the 50,000 registered architects in our country, address issues related to the defence of the profession and the protection and social dissemination of the values of architecture for the general interest.   Created in 1931, the CSCAE is the public law corporation that represents the Associations of Architects of Spain and the profession to public administrations and private entities. Admission by invitation only.

09:00h - 16:00h CC1.2
Workshop | Side Events

Board of Directors of the “Federació Catalana de la Indústria, el Comerç i els serveis de la Construcció”, FECOCAT

23-05-2024 10:00 23-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Board of Directors of the “Federació Catalana de la Indústria, el Comerç i els serveis de la Construcció”, FECOCAT

FECOCAT, which brings together 14 Guilds and Associations, is taking advantage of CONSTRUMAT to hold its board meeting and participate in this important event. Access by invitation only.

10:00h - 13:00h Protocolo
Workshop | Side Events

Networking space: professional opportunities in sustainable construction

23-05-2024 11:30 23-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Networking space: professional opportunities in sustainable construction

We will learn about the professional opportunities of sustainable construction, we will analyse the trends in the industry and promote networking between professionals and companies. Key visions and knowledge will be shared on the future labour landscape of the industry, with a wide range of topics such as professional profiles, requisite training, valued skills, recruitment channels and future challenges. Organised by Barcelona Activa with the support of the BCN Vocational Education Foundation

11:30h - 14:00h CC1.5
Workshop | Side Events

Job Talent Market

23-05-2024 15:30 23-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Job Talent Market

If you want to meet professionals in the Construction industry to hire them for your organisation, we invite you to participate in the Job Market Place that Barcelona Activa organises in collaboration with Construmat. We look forward to seeing you on May 23 in this recruitment and networking space, where you will find professionals pre-selected by Barcelona Activa - suited to your needs.

15:30h - 18:00h CC1.5

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