The Plenary Session of the Superior Council of the Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE)
The Plenary Session of the Higher Council of the Associations of Architects of Spain (CSCAE) is the monthly meeting in which the councillors, representatives of the 50,000 registered architects in our country, address issues related to the defence of the profession and the protection and social dissemination of the values of architecture for the general interest. Created in 1931, the CSCAE is the public law corporation that represents the Associations of Architects of Spain and the profession to public administrations and private entities. Admission by invitation only.
CC1.2The Plenary Session of the Higher Council of the Associations of Architects of Spain (CSCAE) is the monthly meeting in which the councillors, representatives of the 50,000 registered architects in our country, address issues related to the defence of the profession and the protection and social dissemination of the values of architecture for the general interest. Created in 1931, the CSCAE is the public law corporation that represents the Associations of Architects of Spain and the profession to public administrations and private entities. Admission by invitation only.